Our Service for you

Valuable hints & tricks about glasses, interesting downloads and useful informations for existing & to-be SAHM clients - that's whats our service is about.

And if there's anything you're missing here: write an email or just give us a call on +49 26 24 1 88 0. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

For good service can not only be found with us online!

Data transfer

If you would like to transfer large amounts of data, our graphic design department will be pleased to assist you.

PHONE: +49 26 24 1 88 59

Image formats

If you would like to send us logo and decoration templates in electronic format, please read our instructions on data transfers, which are available for download here. If you have any questions our graphic design department will be pleased to assist you.

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Glass care

We are pleased that you have chosen to offer your customers and guests their drinks in exclusive glasses by SAHM. So that the positive impact of these items is retained for as long as possible, we would like to give you a few recommendations regarding proper care. By following these tips, you can significantly increase the service life and long-term value of your glasses.

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